bamaboy98 - Thank you for informing about construction workers. When I see a construction worker now, I will think of how life is better because of their work.
Jong Won- Minecrafters Voyage is a good title for your writing. The brothers with their miners job, were really interesting. You wrote your story is to be continued, "I'll be waiting".
Quziyah - Hi my name is Edna Montgomery. I am a freshman here at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I like your Spider Web Decimal. I had to look at it for a few seconds , but I understand it. Great job.
I had some interesting kids to comment on, wanting the world to know what respect construction workers deserves, mind teasing math problems, and the mind taking voyages. I enjoyed this.
Hello Edna. First off, glad to meet you, cyberly speaking of course. I want to tell you however, I feel lost in your summary. I see these are your comments to the kids, but where are the links to their blogs? This is so I can look and get reference as to what you are actually commenting about. Also, each comment is supposed to have your name, the university and EDM 310 mentioned, you only did half that in one. Lastly, sometimes less is more, but I feel that this blog is more less is less. Put some real thoughts into this and you will create a blog where people want to go, not go strictly for EDM 310. Thanks for allowing me to comment