Tuesday, September 16, 2014


iLearn Technology Blog

The first blog was an inspiring digital video that showed the mind is a creative tool. This video proves that thinking and  giving those positive thoughts energy to become reality can be uplifting to you and countless others. I hope Abigal wins the contest. She has already sparked a winning attitude in the minds of many; the attitude of dream and believe in your dream.

The second blog provided information on SNAP Learning Close Reading Portfolio, an online reading program. As a future educator of lower elementary, it sounds like a valuable tool for the classroom. Technology is something today's student is very familiar with,so this tool ,with interactive ability, will help in holding the student's attention, and help in comprehending what is being read.

Comments for Teacher

For first blog I was amazed at what the video showed. A young lady had made a digital character movie and put it a contest that got a lot of attention. I commented on what dreaming and testing your dreams can do.

The second blog shared valuable information of an on-line reading program which I was thankful to learn about. SNAP Learning Close Reading Portfolio is the program name; one of the features I like is the interactive ability the student will have access to. This on-line program also offers the ability for students to better comprehend the material while they are learning to read.iLearn Technology

1.This is an inspiring video. The mind is a creative tool. This video is definitely proof that thinking and  giving those positive thoughts energy to become reality can be uplifting to you and countless others. I hope Abigal wins the contest. She has already sparked a winning attitude in the minds of many. That attitude of dream and believe in your dream.

2.Thank you for the information on SNAP Learning Close Reading Portfolio. As a future educator of lower elementary, this sounds like a valuable tool for the classroom. Technology is something today's student is very familiar with,so this tool ,with interactive ability, will help in holding the student's attention, and help in comprehending what is being read.

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