Sunday, September 21, 2014

Blog Assignment #6 What Do You Learn From These Conversation With Anthony Capps?

This is a very nice thing that Mr. Capps has shared his experience of Project Base Learning with us. These conversation prepare first time teachers for the classroom. Keeping in mind, to carry PBL with me in the classroom is the first thing I learned. His explaining of how it works, and the students interested in this method of learning is another great part of his conversation. He introduces websites like iCurio and Discovery Ed to teachers as safe sites for students to search for information. He also talks of the keys to be successful in using Project Base Learning; being a learner, flexible, staring with a goal, keeping in mind that it is hard work, and reflections are the keys he discusses. Mr. Capps stress that technology should not be taught, but introduce it slowly to your students. He warns teachers that without technology in the classroom, students might not be engaged in the learning process. Mr. Capps warns educator that today's student and technology are already acquainted with each other, so pencil and paper learning alone will be boring.


  1. Hi Edna! I found the conversations interesting also. I was starting to find myself against PBL before these videos were assigned, but now I am thinking about using it in my classroom in the future. Great post, quick and to the point!

  2. "...Project Base Learning…" Two instances: Based, not Base

    Thoughtful. Interesting.
