Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blog Assignments #3 How Can You Provide Meaningful Feedback to Your Peers?

The peer editing instructions that were given are good foundations to critique others writing. The thought, "This could be my work," applied with the instructions , make the process an easier task. When someone writing has a lot of errors, words softly and kindly spoken can ease into a environment of correcting the writing. Critiquing others with a positive attitude is the key factor for acceptance to what you are trying to do. The writings of my group reflect a lot of positive views. Examples were given, so readers of the writing understood what was written. Very few grammar errors and maybe two words were wrong. I would e-mail my members to view the critiquing I've done.


  1. Hello Edna, I agree that critiquing others with a positive attitude is very important. When giving advice to others and offering suggestions with corrections, it can be hard to do it nicely sometimes. Your peers can take corrections the wrong way and view you as trying to be rude. Emailing your group members and discussing ways to improve your work is a good way to work in group environments. WIth my group, we worked very well together and made nice suggestions when it came to fixing mistakes or rewording sentences. I enjoyed reading your blog assignment on meaningful feedback.
